Sunday, April 26, 2009
Mush and Walking!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Dog Day Afternoon ... little bro makes good bed!
Ahhh... today was a lazy day for me and my brothers and sisters....
How d'ya like how I "accidentally" landed on top of my bro Tucker?
He didn't mind at all and sure made a nice warm comfy bed for me to sleep on! Momma says he's a cave dog, guess because fox terriers used to chase foxes into their little underground caves.

How d'ya like how I "accidentally" landed on top of my bro Tucker?

Friday, April 17, 2009
Right Turns Only
My newest issue now is that in addition to not being able to back up (lost my reverse gear a long time ago), now I can only make right turns. Have ya ever tried getting to your food bowl 20 feet away by walking in circles? Talk about getting dizzy! I keep falling down, then as I've said before, I can't get back up. Great way to lose weight, but darn, I'm starving!!! Then yesterday Daddy mowed the grass and I kept falling outside and got all green. Life is getting tougher and tougher every day. Momma said she's going to make me a rear-end harness that attaches to my leash, then she can help me walk around outside to go potty. I don't know what I think about that, guess we'll see. I'll post a picture of it if she actually makes one.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Momma and Daddy left for a little while this evening and I got stuck under the dining room chair again and I really, REALLY had to pee and well, I had a little accident again! That meant when they got home I was all wet and icky and Daddy had to clean me up and Momma was saying they should put me in a crate when they're gone and Daddy was saying that would make me have a heart attack and die. So Momma told Daddy that she'd just leave my messes for him to clean up so SHE wouldn't have a heart attack and die! Oh I really don't try to make them mad at me, but I just can't help it. When I'm under the table it really looks like I should be able to get through the chair, but that never works. Maybe I'll try to stay away from the chairs tomorrow.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Help me I've fallen and I can't get up!!!
Some of you might remember that old phrase from a commercial in the late 80's to early 90's. Yeah, before I was born, I know, but I hear my masters repeating it from time to time when they see me stuck on the floor not able to get up. Take this afternoon, for instance, when they came home from their Easter Sunday outting. I had not only fallen in the big water jug contraption that consists of about a 5 gallon jug upside down over a bowl, got my back leg caught in it and drug it halfway across the laundry room floor, slipped and slided all over the floor, but when I ended up face-first in the laundry bathroom and not able to back out, well needless to say I was quite a site when they opened the back door to find me barking into the kitty litter box soaking wet and in a puddle of water (or at least that's what they think it was!) No, this time neither of them took a picture of it, just sort of dried me off a bit and put me outside in the really cold rain, brought me back inside for another bath and dried me again. I shivered the rest of the night even after Daddy master so lovingly placed me on my special nighttime blanket at the foot of their bed. I don't like it when they're gone all day and hope tomorrow is a better day~
Monday, April 6, 2009
Stuck under the chair
Stuck again with no reverse gear!
Who took away my reverse gear???? I swear that just last year I could fit behind the couch. Hey maybe my masters moved it... that's it! Nothing wrong with ME... it's all THEIR fault!!! Anyway, here's what Momma master saw when she came looking for me after hearing a bunch of banging around. Actually she only saw the couch cover moving and this is what she saw after pulling it off the arm of the couch.
... and this is a closeup of me wedged between the couch and the plant stand
There! If I can stand up, then maybe, just maybe I can get behind the couch...
Well who knocked my back legs out from under me? Now I'm all tangled up in the legs of the plant stand! Heeeeelllllllpppppp me!!! Momma is pretty much just kinda chuckling right now talking to my big sis on the phone about how funny I look...
There! She finally got off the phone and quit taking pictures, then moved the couch forward so I could escape behind it and out the other side! The next series of pics shows me happily trapsing around the house, taking my victory laps!
That dark blob in front of me in the above picture is Echo, the cat with the annoying meow. If you look closely at the door on the right (my left) you'll see the cardboard repair job Daddy master did after my little sis Katie the Border Collie got stuck downstairs all day and made a valliant attempt to eat her way through the door. Just another 30 minutes or so and she would've made it all the way through. Ah, below you see me triumphantly nearing the water bowl. You know all these laps make me very thirsty!
Ah, maybe a couple more laps just to make sure everything's where it should be...

Then the dining room again...
Ah, finally get back to the water.... HEY where's the water???? It's dry as a bone!!!! Oh wait, that's right, I fell in it today while masters were gone to work and well, kinda made a mess on the floor..... Oh WELL!
So I'll go outside... gotta get rid of some of that water I drank before spilling it. Oh yeah, we have other water too, I just really like it out of my red bowl!
Oh boy! Here comes the neighbor dog Raven. You can barely make her out behind the fence because she's silver, you know, one of those um... Schnauser's. She likes to run along the fence with us and as you can see, that black blur of Katie shows how fast she was running. Guess she was protecting me! I love my Katie!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Lazy Daisy Sunday Afternoon
I love Sundays because around here it's usually a day to rest. Not that I don't rest every other day of the week, but on Sundays my masters are usually both at home. That means they're at my beck and call for whatever I might need, like going outside or drying my feet when they accidentally get in the water bowl, or helping me get up when my back legs can't get a grip on that slippery floor. Right now all my sibs are sleeping, so I guess they like lazy Sundays too! It's too cold and wet outside to play, so I think I'll just go back to sleep. Hope your weekend was grand and that you took time to rest too!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Warm weather - Yippee!!!
Oh I love it when the sun comes out and I can dance around outside on the green grass! Today after Momma master came home I ran outside and made my way all the way around the yard. It was nice to not get me feet all cold and wet. Yucky! Then I ran in to a little problem when I came back on the deck to wait by the back door. Seems as though I took a wrong turn or something and ended up wedged in amongst a bunch of big clay pots. Well they do have plants in them, so I thought I was still out in the yard. Since my reverse gear doesn't work anymore I just stood there waiting, and waiting and waiting. Momma finally opened the door, oh boy! She'll rescue wait... she let the other dogs in and called my name, but then she shut the door. Oh no.... what am I going to do now? Phew! She opened the door again, called my name a few times, then looked to her right and saw me. She laughed a little, then gently scooped me up and carried me in the house. I'm so glad that she doesn't yell at me or tease me for getting stuck AGAIN! Now I'm just walking around and around and around waiting for my Daddy master to get home from work. He always seems so happy to see me!
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